Proto Porn
You've been warned
You've been warned
Cj-Sewers: It Blows My Mind That After All This Time You’ve Spent On Earth, Nobody Ever Bothered To Tell You That Your Eyes Aren’t Fucking Brown. They Are Copper Against Honey And Sage And When They Water They Glow, Two Perfect Orbs The Same Shade
Found This In The Archives
Ourreason: Twice (Little Dragon Cover) - Lianne La Havas
Fuck Yeah Fat Vegans!
Atavus: Cy Twombly - A Painting In Nine Parts, 1988
Yoncevevo: I Thought U Couldn’t Teach Religion In Public Schools
Internetty Goodness
Dangerhamster: God Bless You All
Ryanhatesthis: I Found My New Favorite Image Of All Time.
Head High, Tears Dry.
Black -- Lamb
Internetty Goodness