Proto Porn
Yungneako: -
Mammaslittlefaggot: Gay Pride Bisexual Lust Transgender Jealousy Asexual Sloth Pansexual Gluttony Heterosexual Greed Lesbian Wrath
Neongenesect: Itztakoooo: I Never Considered Minecraft To Be Art Until My Brother Made This..
Roddylaughingalonewithshittypuns: The-Snow: Poor Don Glover. “I Paid Bills”
Jerkidiot: The First Time You Hear The Transition From But It’s Better If You Do To I Write Sins Not Tragedies (X)
Nbcsnl: Literally Can’t Even.
Iamshadowthehedgehog: I Had A Dream That Kirby Single Handedly Made It To The Final Round Of A Pokémon Tournament Because Nobody Wanted To Admit They Had No Idea What Kind Of Pokémon He Was
4Gifs: Paper Airplane Machine Gun. [Video]
Dropout-Sellout-Copout: Some People Are Grieving Because A Nurse’s Dog Who Potentially Contracted Ebola Was H U M A N E L Y Put Down. They Rioted Over This. They Signed A 390, 000 Petition To Save That Dog. People Are Being Executed In The Street
Njy2: &Amp;Ldquo;Queens In Space.&Amp;Quot; Rupaul’s Drag Race. Logo. 2011. Television.
&Quot;Video Games Are A Waste Of Time!&Quot;