Proto Porn
cinemaphiles: Persona (1966) dir. Ingmar Bergman
cinemaphiles: Persona (1966) dir. Ingmar Bergman
Cinemaphiles: Blade Runner (1982) Dir. Ridley Scott
Cinemaphiles: Persona (1966) Dir. Ingmar Bergman
Cinemaphiles: Ex Machina (2015) Dir. Alex Garland
Cinemaphiles: The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert (1994) Dir. Stephan Elliott
Cinemaphiles: Leon: The Professional (1994) Dir. Luc Besson
You're Perfect
It’s Cdubs, Bitch
Catbountry: Cartoonery: Cartoonery: Reptiles Are Back *Replies [”The Boys Are Back In Town” Starts Playing] @Metaphoricallyaraccoon @Iamtheaardvark
Slimetony: Mysteryseeker2000: Mysteryseeker2000: Mysteryseeker2000: Slimetony: I’m Allergic To Grass Here We Go. The Punchline Is Approaching. Any Second Now Slimetony…. Where Is The Punchline? The Joke? The Goof? The Laugh? Have You Forgotten
Cinemaphiles: “A Surprising Number Of Human Beings Are Without Purpose, Though It Is Probable That They Are Performing Some Function Unknown To Themselves.”Picnic At Hanging Rock (1975) Dir. Peter Weir
Unchartedghoul: “Okay, Bad Example”
Thou Who Art Undead, Art Chosen...