Proto Porn
allegoryofart: Visitation, Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1445
allegoryofart: Visitation, Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1445
Silenceforthesoul: Paul Delaroche - La Jeune Martyre, 1855
Femme-De-Lettres: Large (Wikimedia)Edmund Blair Leighton Painted This, How Liza Loved The King, In 1890.It Follows Yesterday’s Theme, Depicting An Incident From Another Boccaccio Book—The Decameron. The Decameron Consists Of One Hundred Stories,
Filmsploitation: Bande À Part (1964) Dir. Jean-Luc Godard
Silenceforthesoul: Sir William Blake Richmond - Héra Dans La Maison D'héphaistos, 1902
Marcuscrassus: Hubert Robert - Ruins With An Obelisk In The Distance (1775)
Okmoonkid: Pendennis Point, Cornwall // 20.03.2015
Shy Sonata For Mercury
Centuriespast: Winterby Edouard Bissondate Painted: 1904Oil On Canvas, 161.9 X 97.9 Cmcollection: Shipley Art Gallery
Centuriespast: A Springtime Idyllby Edouard Bissondate Painted: 1896Oil On Canvas, 122.7 X 87.3 Cmcollection: Museums Sheffield
Centuriespast: Greek Girls Playing Ballby Frederic Leightonoil On Canvas, 112.6 X 196 Cmcollection: East Ayrshire Council
Reclining Odalisque1839Francesco Hayez,
Greluc: Silenceforthesoul: Victor Mottez - La Résurrection Des Morts, 1870 Detail The Resurrection Of The Dead