Proto Porn
Michellelestuff: This Movie Came Out Back In 2003. 12 Years Later, It Becomes A Meme.
Did-You-Kno: Showgoers Is A Google Chrome Extension That Lets You Sync Your Netflix Player With Yourfriends’ So That You Can Watch The Same Thing In Real-Time. Clicking Play/Pause Or Jumping To Another Scene Affects The Players Of All Other Synced
Sketchamagowza: Stop Being So Cute [Patreon][Store][Gumroad]
Kistalker: Man, I Love Good ‘Ol Dicks! He’s My Favorite Metal Guitarist!
Bapouro: Lemoncrepe: Wake Up America
Heirofdrills: I’m Dio. He’s Dio. Everyone’s Dio.
Fawntrolls: Theawesomeadventurer: Yall Remember That Barbie Toy That Came With A Dog And The Dog Had A Box Of Treats That You Could Feed To It But When You Pushed The Dogs Tail Or Something It Would Poop So You’d Use The Pooper Scooper The Doll Came
Blakkiek: Equiep Again!Long Hair Nepeta And Short Hair Equius!Equius Is Really Handsome Without His Broken Shade Don’t You Think? O W Oinspired By This!
Yodeling-At-Yolorosa: Gg: Ow! Gg: Big Boobs Comes At A Big Cost ;C
Human Trash Fire
Godotal: Tiger Walking Through Algae.