Proto Porn
pride-kun: When you’re just a housecat but you still gotta make money
pride-kun: When you’re just a housecat but you still gotta make money
If U Look At This Tab Ur Gay
Ace-Pervert: I Ship It
Radglawr: I Just Randomly Met Gary Johnson Today, And He Was Very Friendly And Wanted To Take A Selfie. Neat!
Boss-Hoody: Confirmed
Steffischuetze: Undertale Is An Amazing Game! And It Has Amazing Character Design. Woshua Is One Of My Favorites. Wosh U Face.
Avielsusej: The Purest And Cleanest Ship!
Biorobo: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Biorobo: I May Have A Problem First Image…Don’t Worry, Napstablook Supports Him Fully, And Will Comfort Him Later (Also Note, I Only Used ‘Mother’ Because I Couldn’t Think Of A Genderless Term, Sorry)
When You Accidentally Type “Wosh” Instead Of “Wish”
Gnarly3607: It’s Woshua, Ladies And Gentlemen.
Bandicootmaniasite: Winter Tundra.
Darkelfguy: Dailymorrowind: Day 50 19Th Of Sun’s Dawn - 19/02/2016 M’aiq Knows Much, Tells Some.