Proto Porn
"Funeral Blues" - W.H. Auden
"Funeral Blues" - W.H. Auden
W.h. Auden's Note To Former Professor, J.r.r. Tolkien
&Quot;The Unknown Citizen&Quot; // W.h. Auden
Heidi8: Commander-Pop-N-Fresh: Openpandorica: Oh My God No. Then There Was The Time That Moffat Wrote A Bit Of Canon In Under 140 Characters And Thus Terrified The World.
Rack-Kittybitch: Just As She Seems To Have Said Her Piece On Dicaprio, She Suddenly Reminisces, “He’d Walk Onto The Set In The Morning, After, Like, A Half Hour’s Sleep Or Something, And That Face—It Took Your Breath Away. I Just Looked At Him,
Rowlinginthedepp: I’m Watching The Newest Winnie The Pooh Movie And Crying Because I’m Old And I Have No Idea Where My Childhood Went.
Do The Whole Workout Here
Jasonthielke: “Grace”
Sweetvisage: Art Nouveau Doors &Amp;Lt;3 (Photos Uncredited As I Collected Them On My Hard-Drive A Long Time Ago!)
Boredom Breeds Blogging
To Whom It May Concern: I&Amp;Rsquo;D Like Gendry For Christmas. Or Now. Now Is Better. Glorious Manflesh Is Needed. In My Room. In My Bed, Specifically. Kthx.