Proto Porn

Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

 Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

 Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

 Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

 Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

 Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

 Jenny Holzer’s marquee installations

Oh, What A World My Parents Gave Me

Oh, What A World My Parents Gave Me

Ellievhall: Disney Princess Batman.

Ellievhall:  Disney Princess Batman.

This Scene In Inglourious Bastards, This Particular Part, Was So Brilliantly Written. The Characters Are Playing A Game Where You Sit In A Circle And Write A Famous Person’s Name On A Card, Flip It Over, Pass The Card To The Person Next To You And

 This Scene In Inglourious Bastards, This Particular Part, Was So Brilliantly Written.

Isaidnopeeking: Daniel Radcliffe | By Matthew Lyn (Sharp Magazine)

Isaidnopeeking:  Daniel Radcliffe | By Matthew Lyn (Sharp Magazine)

Cryptovolans: In Other News,  Say Hello To My New Child.

Cryptovolans:   In Other News,  Say Hello To My New Child.

Fuck Yeah, Poetry!: Seven Layers Of Hell

Fuck Yeah, Poetry!: Seven Layers Of Hell

Lesbeehive: Les Beehive – Unintentional Art In Celebrity Candids

Lesbeehive:  Les Beehive – Unintentional Art In Celebrity Candids

Lauramcphee: Balcony Of The Museum Of Modern Art, Ny, 1940 (Louise Dahl-Wolfe)

Lauramcphee:  Balcony Of The Museum Of Modern Art, Ny, 1940 (Louise Dahl-Wolfe)



Studio Dfl

Studio Dfl

Feminist Ally Forumgamer

Feminist Ally Forumgamer

Alice In Wonderland In Film - 1960S To 2010S Part I

 Alice In Wonderland In Film - 1960S To 2010S Part I

PerfectPussies PerfectTits