Proto Porn
Day 15 - Your favorite LGBT quote.
Day 15 - Your favorite LGBT quote.
&Quot;Somebody Called Me Sebastian...&Quot;
Tell Me How The Story Ends Now
Theblacklacedandy: Amireth-: Dahlia… Hahaha….Yeah I Reblogged This Months Ago… Yet I’m Glad You Rembered What I Said Xd To Jest Rozkoszne.
Jak To, Kurwa?
O Matko, Jak Się Obśmiałam Xd
Tak, Ty. Chłopcy Też Mogą Być &Amp;Ldquo;Beautiful&Amp;Rdquo;. :*
Mental Allure
Breathtaaking: Always Reblog :*
Mou Leipis ;*
Manglemymind: …And Watch A Movie? :) Zawsze :D
Manglemymind: Let Us Go Then, You And Iwhen The Evening Is Spread Out Against The Skylike A Patient Etherised Upon A Table;Let Us Go, Through Certain Half Deserted Streets,The Muttering Retreatsof Restless Nights In One-Night Cheap Hotelsand Sawdust