Proto Porn
mydezire: DeZire to be handled roughly tonight
mydezire: DeZire to be handled roughly tonight
Mydezire: Blackthornesforest: Waiting Patiently… Dezires Blind Trust In Him
I, Too, Create Monsters.
Liquid Maze
Redwolferotica:the Wolf- In Surrendering Herself Fully Over To Master She Found The Freedom To Be Herself
Redwolferotica:lil Red The Weight Of Your Chains Tells Me That I Am Yours I Am Bound To You
Redwolferotica:lil Reddaddy And I Have To Spend Time Apart But We Are Always Together - I Am His Wherever I Go.
Behind Closed Doors
Collectmagicmoments:collect Magic Moments Not Things!
Sadisticallymasterful:asshook Of The Day - With Sweat
Obey-Sir: Submit To Sir Follow Sir
Solo Pup