Proto Porn
dirtsbag: is this why i’m single
dirtsbag: is this why i’m single
Nofluffystop: Please Know That If You Date Me, I Am A Very Touchy Person. I Will Like To Pet Your Head And Hold Your Hand, Rub Your Shoulders Or Hug You A Lot. Simply Put, To Physically Feel You In Some Way Is Very Comforting To Me And I Can’t Really
Rise And Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions
Abanclon: If U Sleep With A Bra On First Of All Why Second Of All How
Rise And Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions
Marauders4Evr: Fricking-The-Frack: Crabsltckz: Christomycolfer: Jankenmor: Tookmyworldwithyou: Yes Wendy. [X] He Is A Rude And Disrespectful Person And Is Being Given Very Little Press Attention For His Atrocious Behaviour. Whereas Miley Is Being
Be Fit Or Die Fat
Fancybidet: People Shit Talk Selfies But They Can’t Stop Me Representing Myself.
Fullcravings: Oreo Peppermint Bark
My God, Im Getting Fat