Proto Porn
Lifting is my life
Lifting is my life
Riostewart: I Now Understand Why God Needed To Rest On The 7Th Day.
Power Lifting Yogi
Nutritionbeast: Interested Or Committed, Which One Are You?
Nutritionbeast: There’s Exceptions To Every Rule.
Headphones On, World Off. Be Dangerous!
Youdontknowsquat: The King Of All Exercises, Yet Some People Think That The Leg Press Or Isolation Exercises Like Leg Extensions Will Give Them The Most Potential For Growth. They Don’t Know [Squat] ;)
The-Real-Eye-To-See: Power Lifting
Tumblr Fitness Community, Wtf
I Serve Any Body.
On Why Fitspo Makes Me Angry
Thefederalistfreestyle: Happy Peepa Day!
Sorthvania: Naamahdarling: Sonneillonv: Ohfortheloveofcas: Mentalfacts: Fact# 5857: Henrietta Lacks Died In 1951. The Tumor That Killed Her Has Been Alive And Growing To This Day. The Tumor Is Immortal And Was Used To Progress The Polio Vaccine And