Proto Porn
zombiegardener: Truth.
zombiegardener: Truth.
Eat Up, Dear.
I Found This Camera On The Subway And Look What Was Inside...
Constantine-Spiritworker: Davemakesmybrokorogodirkydirky: Why Am I Laughing So Fucking Hard Help I Laughed Too Hard Not To Reblog This.
Specsthespectraldragon: My Dad, A Phd In Chemistry, Once Froze Someone’s Pants In Liquid Nitrogen Because The Dude Kept Leaving His Pants On My Dad’s Chair.
Collegiatemisfit: Discovered This Fantastic Twitter Thanks To Our Intern Welcome Lunch
Unapologetically Human
Birkinbitch: Itsstuckyinmyhead: Craig Mazin Was Ted Cruz’s College Roommate And He Really Really Really Hates Him I’m Dying Because He Got Verified
Cracked: The 17 Most Bizarre Predators On Earth (In Action)
🐽 Sw:140 Cw:252
Castlevaneo: What It Feels Like Being The Third Wheel With Furries @Perceptionofadove
Reblog If You’ve Been Bullied And The School Did Absolutely Nothing About It.