Proto Porn
Rough around the edges
Rough around the edges
.Live In The Moment.
Dailyblep: Morpheus Doesn’t Like This Knitting Pattern Blep
Theorangecoco:groudonconfirmed:deathly-Tears: Yeoja: Protect Girls @ All Costs From Gross Dudes.. Define Gross Dudes Because This Can Hurt A Lot Of People Including Myself Dudes Who Think Everything Is About Them, For Starters If You Automatically
Remuslupinvevo:fred And George Weasley Turn 37 Years Old Today. Yes Both Of Them. Join Me In Denial Where Everything Is Fine And Nothing Hurts. Very Alive. Much Happy.
Sweet Moans ❤
.Live In The Moment.
I Laugh So I Dont Cry
Tenescowri:lmao Id Just Turn Around N Start A New Life.
Rough Around The Edges
Burgerkid: Confusing Myself Like:
Luavluna:gwylock1:Doctressindistress:uhmm, What If They Were Born Via C-Section?Your Mother Didn’t Have Herself Sliced Open And Sewed Back Together For You To Wear A #Meninist T-Shirtthat Was The Most Pathetic Attempt To Derail Someone’s Point That