Proto Porn
Daddies Learn, Too
Themattposts: Brilliant
Fancy Nancy
Ohmyalchemy: Fma Meme: [1/6] Six Scenes → Van Honhenheim’s Dream “I’m Sure We Can Change Because We Are Weak And Because We Die. If That Is Not Enough, If You Are Still Not Convinced We Can Change, Then Think About Us And The Days We Spent
Princesskittybear:~ All Bodies Are Beautiful, Please Stop Shaming People For Having Confidence In Their Appearances!❥~ Please Don’t Remove| Pixel Src
Hismermaidprincess: Me: Bow To Your Princess, Peasant! Daddy: *Raises Eyebrow* Excuse Me, Young Lady? Me: *Points Wand To Ground* Bow To Mee, Daddy! Now! Daddy: *Stays Still* Me: Daddy: Me: Daddy: Me: Off With His Head!!! Daddy: Now You’ve Done It.
Daddyskinkyelf: So I Was Laying In Bed This Morning And Was Thinking That I Wish When I Started Out In Cgl That There Was A Masterpost And Then I Thought Why Not Make One Yourself Lazy So That’s What I Did! Think Of It As Cgl 101 Because It Doesn’t
Iraffiruse:pets Don’t Like The Vet
Fourchevrons2: Midnight Memories Photoshoot X Ah Liam!!
“I’ve Got A Picture Of Liam In My Bunk,” Harry Laughs. “I Like It!”