Proto Porn
Concrete Jungle/Urban Forest
Concrete Jungle/Urban Forest
Funtimes In Babylon
Kingofyourcastle: I Have Always Found That Mercy Bears Richer Fruit Than Strict Justice.
Rhcp-Blackandwhite: Californication Era - Californication Tour, Hmv Yonge Street, Toronto, July 22Nd 1999.
Kingofyourcastle: He Who Controls Others May Be Powerful But He Who Has Mastered Himself Is Mightier Still.
Whatisajanis: Sylvester Ulv For Asger Juel Larsen Fall/Winter 2014
Kingofyourcastle: Fck U
You Can Run, But You Can't Escape
Hollywoodgoestofrankie: Boy George, Photographed By Dave Hogan, 1986