Proto Porn
Title No.1
Title No.1
Death Disco Cult
Whendeliverycomes:adiós Luna. (En La Kavila, High Desert, Al.)
Jinxproof:chloë Sevigny
Briangilbreath:route 66 Diner - Albuquerque, Nm - 2015 - By @Briangilbreath
Adarchives: Dazed 1996, Issue 25 Contributor - Dazed Magazine
Adarchives: The Face - October 1991 Contributor - Superimpose Studio
Too-Civilized: Louïs Rault Watanabe
Junname: Https://
Cult-Figure: Retrospectia: The Joy Of Photographing People, 1983 More Here | Second Blog | Instagram
Historicaltimes: Revolver That Took A Photo Every Time It Was Fired, New York 1938. Via Reddit