Proto Porn
darkandlong:fy mag
darkandlong:fy mag
Ororchideenoire: Boy In Yellow Shirt Smoking, Mark Cohen (1977).
Excdus: These Iron Islands Appear In The Middle Of The Salt Lake Arizaro In Argentina, Their Colors Are The Result Of Oxidation Across Millions Of Years. Stéphane San Quirce
Infinitetext: Yoshihige Yoshida, The Affair, 1967.
Eps-Ilon: -
Eps-Ilon: Eps-Ilon: Art
Eps-Ilon: -
I Really Love Your Peaches Want To Shake Your Tree
I Really Love Your Peaches Want To Shake Your Tree
Nyctaeus: Kim Anno
Eps-Ilon: Art
Raveneuse: George Platt Lynes, Tex Smutney And Buddy Stanley, 1941.