Proto Porn
blueblackdream:Police crime scene photo, New York City, New York, 1910-1920
blueblackdream:Police crime scene photo, New York City, New York, 1910-1920
Amandesbleus: Fk
Kulturfolger-Ch:giuseppe Penone, Patate (Pommes De Terre) 1977
20 Aliens
Projecteurart: Artur Pastor Atlantic Ocean, Not Dated.
Amandesbleus: Nick
0Rbs: .Ankor
Yakubgodgave: Eruption Of Mount St. Helens, 1980
Yakubgodgave: Portrait Of Charles Duchamp By Man Ray, 1919
Jesus Christ Is Lord
Jesus Christ Is Lord
Dailyrothko: Bonusmark Rothko, Yorktown Heights, Ca. 1949, By Consuelo Kanaga
Bnmxfld: “It Is Only Once In A While That You See Someone Whose Electricity And Presence Matches Yours At That Moment.” — Charles Bukowski / Once In A While