Proto Porn
khamidov: General Lee
khamidov: General Lee
Nature. Food. Vikings. Metal.
Metalfuckingheads: Mayhem
Nature. Food. Vikings. Metal.
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Music5Starsupreme: Scott Ian , Anthrax
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Sublim-Ature: Zsolt Szabo
Sixpenceee: These Extraordinary Pictures Show A Five-Legged Cow, Whose Extra Limb Is Rather Bizarrely Attached To Its Neck. Many Believe The Four-Year-Old Animal Brings Good Luck To Whoever Touches The Extra Limb With Some Claiming It Is A Manifestation
Sixpenceee: A Fetal Monkeymichael Frank, Royal Veterinary College / Wellcome Images
Somethingmore999: Halloween Satin Scarfblack Halloween Satin Scarfsatin Pumpkin Scarfautumn Leaf Infinity Scarf