Proto Porn
Ctron164: Elegantpaws: Trailoftruth: Damn. Touche Very True, And Many People Could Use Encouragement Than Congrats. It Goes A Looooong Way.
Jopara: Donotingest: Tinawarriorprincess: Psychmajorpizzamaker: Fight-0Ff-Yourdem0Ns: Optimus-Primette: Stunningpicture: He Designed This Special Shoes, Shared Between Him And His Paralyzed Daughter Just To Make Her Feel The Sensation Of Walking.
Penutbutterqueen: Cosbyykidd: Vinebox: That Beat Tho I Wish I Was From Nola Ayeeeee!!!
Brokebitchantics: Penutbutterqueen: Woodmeat: Fish-Dinner-Connoisseur: Sweetlikesugahcane: Bkcarib: Ctron164: Torisoulphoenix: Missjonesie99: Seriously What The Fuck Is That???? The Nigga Done Caught A Demon And He Finna Cook And Eat It.
Gang0Fwolves: Weloveinterracial: Comuss: Kelly Thomas, A 37-Year-Old Homeless Man (Whom His Dr’s Say Was Mentally Slow, And Had The Mind Of An 11 Year Old), Was Beaten To Death In Fullerton, California By Police Officers Who Felt They Were Above
Thepeoplesrecord: Rest In Power, Oscar Grant Iii, Shot In The Back By Bay Area Rapid Transit Police Officer Johannes Mehserle On New Years Day In 2009.
Brokebitchantics: Jaanfe: Why Is This So Sexual Why They Hand Look So Nasty
Life Thru My Eyes....
Mockeryd: Alwaysbewoke: Absolutely Awesome. Beautiful.
Quickweaves: Howtobeafuckinglady: I’m Honestly So Happy Rn Fucking Finally