Proto Porn
Shiny Passions
Shiny Passions
Appropriately-Inappropriate:misandry-Mermaid:scandalouslyfollowing:nuric:cap-Out-Of-Time: Schwoozie: [X] Ooc: Reblogging Because Holy Shit. I Aspire To Be This Woman When I’m Older. Yasssssss! This Woman Was Born Before Women Were Legally Allowed
Heteromilk-Comics:happy St. Patrick’s Day From!
Shiny Passions
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Charlesoberonn:thefingerfuckingfemalefury:bruceseriouslytoo Soonit’s What The Joker Would’ve Wanted.
Catgirlmanor:we Love Our Tails At The Chateau!
Shiny Passions
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Zydrate-Witch:misty Has Been Very Bad.
Lavenderharmony:sir-Hathaway:salon:google Could Launch An Effort To Keep Trolls And Bad Information At Bay, With A Program That Would Rank Websites According To Veracity, And Sort Results According To Those Rankings. Currently, The Search Engine Ranks
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