Proto Porn

#and then I alternate between bitter laughter and devastated whimpering #because this is a family that laughed and loved and had movie nights and camping trips #and they’ll never have that again 

#and then I alternate between bitter laughter and devastated whimpering #because this is a family that laughed and loved and had movie nights and camping trips #and they’ll never have that again 

  #and then I alternate between bitter laughter and devastated whimpering #because

  #and then I alternate between bitter laughter and devastated whimpering #because

  #and then I alternate between bitter laughter and devastated whimpering #because

  #and then I alternate between bitter laughter and devastated whimpering #because

Callmekitto: Internetfeet: People Mistake Ovulation And Menstruation To Be The Same Thing When In Fact They Aren’t Ovulation Is When The Eggs Are Saying “Hello Friends I Am Here” And Menstuation Is When The Eggs Are Saying “Goodbye Friends

Callmekitto:   Internetfeet:  People Mistake Ovulation And Menstruation To Be The

0Bianidalas: [Requested By Chaperoned]

0Bianidalas:  [Requested By Chaperoned]

I Am Iron Man

I Am Iron Man

So-Relatable: Submit Your Own So-Relatable Posts Here :)

So-Relatable:  Submit Your Own So-Relatable Posts Here :)

Startledmoose: This Was Like The Fucking Biggest Plot Twist Ever

Startledmoose:  This Was Like The Fucking Biggest Plot Twist Ever

Drop Me Off On The Moon

Drop Me Off On The Moon

Damn Right.

Damn Right.

Jnaimepreciado: A Moment Of Silence For Those Who Haven’t Seen Their Favourite Band Live

Jnaimepreciado:  A Moment Of Silence For Those Who Haven’t Seen Their Favourite

Bootipop: When Your Hand Is Wet And You Grab Some Ice And It Does The Thing

Bootipop:  When Your Hand Is Wet And You Grab Some Ice And It Does The Thing

Damn Right.

Damn Right.

Trishialad: This Castle Is In Unacceptable Condition! Unacceptable!!!

Trishialad:  This Castle Is In Unacceptable Condition! Unacceptable!!!

Arrested Development Season 4 Has Dropped

Arrested Development Season 4 Has Dropped

foodfuckers forcedorgasms