Proto Porn

systemofadepression: its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal person to get feelings for someone because we get so attached so quickly and they become our safety net from the world and our everything but as soon as we find out they dont

systemofadepression: its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal person to get feelings for someone because we get so attached so quickly and they become our safety net from the world and our everything but as soon as we find out they dont

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

systemofadepression:  its scary for a self harmer, depressed &/or suicidal

Animal Snaps

Animal Snaps

Victory-Candescence: Reasons Why You Cannot Even Come Near Me Right Now: Molly Hooper The Fact That Molly Is Sherlock’s Medical Knowledge Mind Palace Avatar The Fact That She Fuckin’ Hauled Off And Slapped Him Three Times And Then Demanded He Apologize

Victory-Candescence:  Reasons Why You Cannot Even Come Near Me Right Now: Molly Hooper

Relistening: Today I Wanted To Hold One Of The Lizards At Petco And The Guy Was Like “Ok But I Must Ask Are You 18?” And I Thought He Said “Are You A Teen?” And Im Like Yeah! So I Held A Lizard Illegally

Relistening:  Today I Wanted To Hold One Of The Lizards At Petco And The Guy Was

Missprg: Benediqtcumberbatch: See-But-Do-Not-Observe: - Radiotimes (X) Moffat Says The Darnest Things

Missprg:  Benediqtcumberbatch:  See-But-Do-Not-Observe:  - Radiotimes (X)  Moffat

Mormoriarty: Londonphile: Http:// Life Made.

Mormoriarty:  Londonphile:  Http://  Life Made.

So-She-Ranawayinhersleep: K-Elizabeth-T: This Boy At Target Asked If I Would Hold His Hand Because His Ex Girlfriend Just Walked In With A New Guy, So Naturally I Felt Bad And Held His Hand While Strolling Around Target For A Bit. Then It Donned On

So-She-Ranawayinhersleep:  K-Elizabeth-T:  This Boy At Target Asked If I Would Hold

Ladytauriel: (Full Image)

Ladytauriel:  (Full Image)

Sherlockspeare: He’s Breaking Into My Mind.

Sherlockspeare:  He’s Breaking Into My Mind.

Safe-Behind-Bars: Older-Aang: Kuro-Tokyo: Scared The Shit Out Of Me Every Time My Dad Wants This To Be Played At The Beginning Of His Funeral Reblogging Again Just For That Omg

Safe-Behind-Bars:  Older-Aang:  Kuro-Tokyo:  Scared The Shit Out Of Me Every Time

Procrastinationisavirtue: In Which The Movie Spiderman Accurately Represents Comic Book Spiderman In Sarcasm Levels.

Procrastinationisavirtue:  In Which The Movie Spiderman Accurately Represents Comic

Booknutty: Solemn-Things: Booknutty: If We Got All The Cats In The World To Meow At Exactly The Same Time How Loud Would It Be Well The Average Cat Meow Is Like 65/75Db (Above Speaking Volume But Below Shouting) And There Are About 2Bn Cats In The

Booknutty:  Solemn-Things:  Booknutty:  If We Got All The Cats In The World To Meow

Ulrikavolf16: Fiondra: Bones. Bones Whut Are You Doing. Bones Stahp. Bones You Can’t Sit Like That. The Chair Is Not Designed For It. My Mind Is Not Designed For It. Stahp It, Bones. -Whispers- Keep Going

Ulrikavolf16:  Fiondra:  Bones. Bones Whut Are You Doing. Bones Stahp. Bones You

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