Proto Porn

Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have the career that you want. Don’t get me wrong. I love a good payday and I’ll do films for fun. But ultimately my main goal is to do good work. If it doesn’t pay well,

Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have the career that you want. Don’t get me wrong. I love a good payday and I’ll do films for fun. But ultimately my main goal is to do good work. If it doesn’t pay well,

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

 Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have

Blondeyed: Iconic

Blondeyed:  Iconic

Thanks: For: The: Memories: Even: Though They Weren’t So Great

Thanks:  For:  The:  Memories:  Even:  Though  They  Weren’t  So  Great

Blow Up My Inbox.

Blow Up My Inbox.

Perks-Of-Being-Chinese: Perks-Of-Being-Chinese: Officialpigeon: My Favourite Fruit Are Reds Shut Up Its Fucking Blood Orange #Plot Twist

Perks-Of-Being-Chinese:  Perks-Of-Being-Chinese:  Officialpigeon:  My Favourite Fruit

Lazarus-Holmes: Milkforthesouffles: The Moments When He Truly Smiles Are The Most Beautiful But The Moments Where He Doesn’t Genuinely Smile Are Legitimately Fucking Terrifying

Lazarus-Holmes:  Milkforthesouffles:  The Moments  When He  Truly Smiles  Are The

Out Of Curiosity; How Many Supernatural Fans Miss Gabriel? Even If It's Only A Little Bit.

Out Of Curiosity; How Many Supernatural Fans Miss Gabriel? Even If It's Only A Little

8Oo: Awesomephilia: These Two Guys Entered The Metro From Different Stations And Don’t Even Know Each Other. (Via) Is That Phineas And Ferb

8Oo:  Awesomephilia:  These Two Guys Entered The Metro From Different Stations And

Ladyaudiophile: I Can’t Help But Wonder If There Was Ever A Take Where He Dropped That Thing On His Face Or Something

Ladyaudiophile:  I Can’t Help But Wonder If There Was Ever A Take Where He Dropped

Perksofbeingeleanorcalder: Disneyismyescape: Aelynn: This One Deserves Its Own Post. Why Have Charming And Cinderella Snatched One Of Merida’s Brothers Up? Alice Looks Like She’s Re-Living The Rabbit Hole

Perksofbeingeleanorcalder:  Disneyismyescape:  Aelynn:  This One Deserves Its Own

Fashioninfographics: A Visual Coat Glossary

Fashioninfographics:  A Visual Coat Glossary



Reginaregals: Movies 2014 - The Fault In Our Stars “Sometimes, You Read A Book And It Fills You With This Weird Evangelical Zeal, And You Become Convinced That The Shattered World Will Never Be Put Back Together Unless And Until All Living Humans

Reginaregals:  Movies 2014 - The Fault In Our Stars  “Sometimes, You Read A Book

Hips Hitomi_Tanaka