Proto Porn

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

Otakusiren:goddesshopeful247:To Be A Kid Againthe Amount Of Nostalgia Is Over 9,000!Omg I’m Crying. I Miss This So Much. 

Otakusiren:goddesshopeful247:To Be A Kid Againthe Amount Of Nostalgia Is Over 9,000!Omg

Johnlockedinhogwarts: I Believe It’s Been Established That Eddie Redmayne Is Cute But Like I’m Not Sure????? 

Johnlockedinhogwarts:  I Believe It’s Been Established That Eddie Redmayne Is Cute

Laughlove-Livefree-Andsing: Friendly Reminder That If Eddie Redmayne Wins An Oscar Tonight, The Jupiter Ascending Dvd Release Will Get To Use The Phrase “Academy Award Winner Eddie Redmayne” On Its Packaging.

Laughlove-Livefree-Andsing:  Friendly Reminder That If Eddie Redmayne Wins An Oscar

Dicapriho: Julie Andrews Is Everyone’s Grandmother

Dicapriho:  Julie Andrews Is Everyone’s Grandmother

Billboard:lady Gaga Gave A Moving Tribute To Julie Andrews And “The Sound Of Music”

Billboard:lady Gaga Gave A Moving Tribute To Julie Andrews And “The Sound Of Music”

Texanpadalecki: We Need To Talk About How J2 Love To Wear Matching Bracelets Source For Both Is Menot Including Their Matching Watches And The Rings And The Black Bracelet 

Texanpadalecki:  We Need To Talk About How J2 Love To Wear Matching Bracelets Source

J2 Sharing Clothes Masterpost

J2 Sharing Clothes Masterpost

Mtv:imagine You Dedicate Your Oscars Acceptance Speech To Wage Equality And Look Into The Crowd And Meryl Streep And Jlo And All The Women In The World Are Rooting For Youall. Of. This.

Mtv:imagine You Dedicate Your Oscars Acceptance Speech To Wage Equality And Look

Omgthatdress:lupitashe Is Venus Incarnate, Rising From The Sea Foam, Dripping In Pearls, Ready To Show Us Mere Mortals True Beauty.i Worship At Her Feet.

Omgthatdress:lupitashe Is Venus Incarnate, Rising From The Sea Foam, Dripping In

Perhapsicanlivefree: Dixie-Chicken:northernlotus:thor Volunteering While On Earth To Help Coach A Little Girls Sports League. I Really Don’t Even Care What. He Cheers Them On To Victory And Buys Them All Hotdogs And Afterwards They Sit In The Grass

Perhapsicanlivefree:  Dixie-Chicken:northernlotus:thor Volunteering While On Earth

So I Don’t Know If You Knew But There Are These New Mouthwash Bottles.and When You Squeeze The Bottle The Top Fills Up.“Drink” It…And No More Will Come Out. So Here’s My Proposition… You Will Never Need A Shot Glass Again Your Move Alcohol

So I Don’t Know If You Knew But There Are These New Mouthwash Bottles.and When

Melancholiwolf: At Last∼

Melancholiwolf: At Last∼

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