Proto Porn
magictransistor: Luis Ricardo Falero, The Planet Venus, 1882.
magictransistor: Luis Ricardo Falero, The Planet Venus, 1882.
Magictransistor: Harry Smith. Mirror Animations. 1957.
Magictransistor: Wilfried Sätty. The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe. Ligeia, The Conversation Of Eiros And Charmion, Silence–A Fable, Ms. Found In A Bottle, Dreamland, The Fall Of The House Of Usher, Dreamland, Landor’s Cottage, Ligeia, The Conversation
Magictransistor: Robert Holcolmbe. Marine. 1955.
Magictransistor: Alvin Langdon Coburn, Regent’s Canal At Camden Lock, London, C. 1904.
Magictransistor: Óscar Domínguez. Some Movements Of Desire, Untitled, The Transparent Room, Levels Of Desire, Surrealist Composition. Sin Título (Cosmic Landscape), Les Siphons Surréalistes, Self-Portrait, Piano. 1933-1940.
Magictransistor: Raoul Ubac. Naked Forms. 1935.
Magictransistor: Martin Sharp, Tarot Cards; Oz Magazine (No. 4), June, 1967.
Magictransistor: Shūji Terayama. The People Of The Dog-God Family. 1975.
Magictransistor: Max Ernst. The Key Of Songs. 1933.
Magictransistor: Thomas Heywood. The Cherubim, Hierarchie Of Angells. 1635.
Magictransistor: Apollo 11. Nasa. 1969.
Magictransistor: Magic Transistor