Proto Porn

himandher0413: This is so freakin’ awesome!!! - Him

himandher0413: This is so freakin’ awesome!!! - Him

himandher0413:  This is so freakin’ awesome!!! - Him

Iceheavy-Branches: I Want One Of Those Marriages Where They’ve Been Married 20 Years But Are Still Crazy In Love And Still Cuddle On The Couch And Kiss A Lot. I Want Those Kind Of Marriages That Make My Kids Nauseous Because How In Love Their Parents

Iceheavy-Branches:  I Want One Of Those Marriages Where They’ve Been Married 20



Jessieminx: Theoutsidersobsession: Nigel Zeff Appreciation Post Yes. Yes To Everything In These Photos. 

Jessieminx:  Theoutsidersobsession:  Nigel Zeff Appreciation Post  Yes. Yes To Everything

From-The-Stone-To-The-Hallows: Myexistanceisanactofrebellion: That Time That Catwoman Angrily Stomped On Captain Kirk’s Foot Wait A Minute… Is That Gimli In The Background?? It Certainly Is, With Mary Poppins Ah, The Nerd Is Strong With This

From-The-Stone-To-The-Hallows:  Myexistanceisanactofrebellion:    That Time That

-Madzo: Unsolnosilumina: Holi, The Hindu Festival Of Colour. (X)

-Madzo:  Unsolnosilumina: Holi, The Hindu Festival Of Colour. (X)

Hearts And Handcuffs

Hearts And Handcuffs

Reblog If You've Never Had A New Years Kiss

Reblog If You've Never Had A New Years Kiss

Amaloli: What Do People Do With Boyfriends??? Do You Have To Take Them For Walks?? Or Water Them?? What If They Die

Amaloli:  What Do People Do With Boyfriends??? Do You Have To Take Them For Walks??

Why I Like Girls

Why I Like Girls

Capekalaska: Srafandseedpods: Pretty Kitty. Omfg It Forgot To Put Away Its Tongue

Capekalaska:  Srafandseedpods:  Pretty Kitty.  Omfg It Forgot To Put Away Its Tongue



Be Royal

Be Royal

ShinyPorn ShittyHandbras