Proto Porn
I Guess it's Just Me...
I Guess it's Just Me...
Did-You-Kno: Source
#Me As I Deliberately Procrastinate Before A Deadline
Aangnog: Grungetoosoft: Are You Even Allowed To Ship Heterosexual Couples? If It Fits It Ships
Did-You-Kno: Source
Calvinandhobbes-Daily: December 03, 1994
Christinetofu: No
Askclint: If You Are Reading This, You Have Survived Your Entire Life Up Until This Point. You Have Survived Traumas, Heartbreak, Devastation, The Elements, Different Phases Of Life. And Here You Are. You Go, Motherfucker. You’re Awesome.
Kryptchildart: Shining Armor Emberassed In A Tutu With Cadence Laughing At Him For Cadanc3 In Return For Some Awsome Tf2 Stuffs! Also A Version With Just Shining Armor. Poor Little Darling♥
What Character Type Do People Think I Am?