Proto Porn
did-you-kno: Source
did-you-kno: Source
Tlatophat: Our Luna By Wild-Hound
Dangerousactivity: Avoiding Spoilers On Tumblr
Guccimanelaugh: This Is Definitely The Best Gif In The World
4Gifs: Bulldog Surprised When His Ball Trick Works. [Vid]
Youreagoodliar: There Are Three Things That The Harry Potter Fandom Seems To Universally Agree Upon: 1. Umbridge Is Awful 2. Maggie Smith Is A Perfect Professor Mcgonagall 3. Everyone Should Be At Least Slightly Bothered By Did You Put Your Name In The
S** What's R*Al
Kyonin-Jaku: Thesassylorax: Jensik: Dexbonus: #One Of The Dopest Moments In Anime/Manga Imo Yuuuup Yooo This Whole Fight Was Freaking Dope. First Person To Ever Wound Gaara Turns Out To Be Some Kid With Big Eyebrows Who Has No Chakra Whatsoever.
Megustamemes: Will Smith Recognized The Cameraman!
Askfreewingthefreemod: Ashumi-San: I Have Never Understood This. Hehehe
Bunnyfood: (Via Tastefullyoffensive:vfcascaes)
Matabertus: So That Explains It.