Proto Porn
*Guts theme plays in the distance*
*Guts theme plays in the distance*
Thegreatmayhaps: Okyu: Okyu: Hey Reply To This With Your Dipping Sauce Of Choice I Came Here To Have A Good Time And I Feel So Attacked Right Now
Tsaritsa: Sexy, But Not Like We’re Trying Too Hard. Like, Sure, We’re Trying, But It’s Almost Effortless
Tsaritsa: Maybe He Won’t Die This Time??????????????
Ayo It's Satchel
Skullivan: Pinksharpedo: Alien Music Is Always Portrayed As Screeching Noises And Synthesizer But What If Aliens Like Country Or Something Like Imagine Landing On An Alien Planet And Just Hearing Twangy Space Banjo
Rustybuckett: Socrappyicoulddie: Gentlekingsmen: Hulksmashley: Literally Nothing Will Ever Be As Satisfying As The 4 Minute Long Fight Sequence In Kingsman: The Secret Service, In Which Colin Firth Mercilessly Wastes An Entire Westboro Basptist Church
Friendly-Neighborhood-Patriarch: Broegadyn: I Love This… #Fma #Sins And #Virtues @Hawkeyedflame
Silver Tongue
Tyleroakley: Irritatedkiwi: Delcisco: No Way Honestly How The Fuck This Did Not Disappoint
Muslim Brothers And Sisters
Tsaritsa: You Humans Are Such Sad And Weak, Foolish Creatures