Proto Porn
Silver Tongue
Silver Tongue
Remedialaction: Koala-Team-6: Nerdeas: Panini Man Yoooooo 😂😂
Thegits: I Spit Out My Tea
Ellighthousekeeper: Just-Shower-Thoughts: Why Do Germans Use Smilies Like This :) Or This:0 If They Already Got Ü Oh Ö? I Just Texted My German Friend About This And She Replied:we Do Not Smile In Germany
Rebe83: Strangersatthemall: Fat-Mabari: Setbabiesonfire: Becausebirds: Fuck This Tree In Particular. [Source Video] Why Birb Why That Has To Be The Angriest Fucking Woodpecker I Haver Ever Seen He’s So Good At His Job……. He Knows Them
Rocketumbl: Inka Shu
Tastefullyoffensive: “Stop.. Stop!”
Thecollectibles: Art By Regition
Slbtumblng: Marina Is One Of Those ‘‘Read The Book/Comic/Manga’‘ Persons.
Penkenarts: Doggy-Yasha: Wanderiingandllost: Shorthalt: Snipersdayoff: Awaari: When I Draw A Character With Their Clothes On: Drawing Them With Clothes Off: Buddy Listen If I Looked Like That I’d Wear The Tightest Clothes Ever Holy Shit
If I Give You An Apple And An Orange And I Tell You To Choose, How Many Choices Do You Really Have?