Proto Porn
Dont-Irkme: Shawty-Moves: Lxtteagyal: Dont-Irkme: *Inserts Inspirational Caption* The Lawd Have Mercy On My Soul
Difocity: Lmfaoooo I Almost Feel Cheated By The Amount Of A$$ Miley Is Twerking.
Heroineheroine: I’m Not Much Of A Model But My Friend Took Some Pictures Of Me Today
Penutbutterqueen: Walkerflexxasranger: &Amp;Ldquo;Put Ya Tiddy In This Ginger Ale So I Can Take This Picture…&Amp;Rdquo; Lmaooo What If The Ginger Ale Came From Her Tiddy? Hmmmmm.
Yourdadactually: Yungshorty: ゲットーの王女 - So That&Amp;Rsquo;S Where My Money Went!
Dynastylnoire: Buttcheekpalmkang: Thotiemusprime: Dynastylnoire: Deebott: Coincidence? I Think Not. His Top Lip Was Given As A Sacrifice To The Whites
What's A Good Action Movie?
Reblog If Your Against Fatism, Fat Hate, Fat Phobia And Any Sort Of Fat Discrimination And Shaming
Rachelstewartjewelry: My Grandmother. My Dad On The Far Left. She Eventually Had 14 Children. My Great Grandfather Was A Preacher Who Tried To Organize Blacks In The South, Because Of This The Klan Burned Down Their Home And Later Tried To Kill Them