Proto Porn
allie 25 pronouns 👍
allie 25 pronouns 👍
Allie 25 Pronouns 👍
Kitfisto: I Gotta Stop Using Tumblr Like All Day Everyday It’s Making Me Think It’s Ok To Say Shit I Say On Here Irl Like My Nana Was Telling Me And My Cousin To Make Sure The Lounge Is So Tidy The Queen Could Walk In Tomorrow And I Was Like If The
Kitfisto: I Don’t Think That’s Spelled Right Uh In My Opinion
Eggzaki: Someone: Yasss Queen Me: How Can You Support A Monarchy
You Know What I Like Doing? Whatever The Fuck I Want
Meme Lord
Iamallybee: When You Tell Your Friend A Really Bad Pun;
Nolanthebiggestnerd: Eli-Squidman:is This What You Desire @Nolanthebiggestnerd This Is Exactly The Type Of Shit I’m Down For Thank You So Much &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3
Princessharam: Why Do So Many White Kids Say Nigga But Feel Uncomfortable Saying ‘Black’ Like… They Be Like ‘Bl- Er I Mean African American’ But Then Like 3 Secs Later They Like ‘Nigga !!!!! N-I-G-G-A :3C’
A-40K-Author: Imperial Knight.
Mrs. Mia Wallace
What The Everloving Fuck