Proto Porn
zoeshi-bug: comfort and resentment
zoeshi-bug: comfort and resentment
Zoeshi-Bug: Remember This Namixi Roleswap??
Zoeshi-Bug: There He Is
Zoeshi-Bug: Girlsssss
Zoeshi-Bug: Well Whats All This Then
Zoeshi-Bug: More Norted Namixis
Best Fruit And Smart In The World
Best Fruit And Smart In The World
Zoeshi-Bug: Some Kairis And An Axel
Baka-Neearts: Oh You’re So Cute, Miss Cloud~
Softbutchmonet: Saccharinescorpion: Talking About Rosie The Riveter, Fun Fact: While The We Can Do It Picture Has Become The Most-Well Known Depiction Of Her In Modern Times, It Wasn’t Really A Famous Image When It Was Made–In Fact, It Wasn’t Even
Shunthehexmage: Redwaltz: Drhaniwa: ダイソーで買ったメガネにLedを仕込んで「メガネキャラが企んでる時の光るメガネ」を作りました。 使い方いろいろ Twitter / @Dekantsu Ah Yes. Anti Glasses. Glasses
Chameshida: It’s That Gravity Falls Referencedeep Down, Ritsu Still Think It’s His Brain.