Proto Porn
abnest: rebloggable!<3 most people ship it sort of shota but not mee
abnest: rebloggable!<3 most people ship it sort of shota but not mee
Chabssalgyeon: Scratch
Nevernoahh: Doodled A Jane U O U
Spacescribble: Haha Guess Who Played A Little Pokemon X Today!!! I Swear I Would By Ten Of These Lil Guys If It Was Actually A Thing ;V;
Monobeartheater: Jeedies: Roooothakers: Tastefullyoffensive: The President Of France Getting Left Hanging [X]Previously: The King Of Sweden Wearing Silly Hats Me Irl. He Finally Did It Look How Satisfied He Is Thanks Obama
Aliens Are Real
Snapslikethis: Most Accurate Chart I’ve Ever Made
Nico6966: 過去絵ミン蒼
Quickweaves: Telling White People To Stay In Their Lane Is Useless Cause They Couldn’t Even Stay In Their Continent
Schoolfact: This Blog Will Make You Laugh
Aliens Are Real
Ayothewuisback: White Peoples’ Definition Of Racism Is Hurt Feelings, Instead Of What It Actually Is, And That’s Systematic Destruction Of An Ethnic Group. Understand That, And Then You’ll Understand Why Racism Doesn’t “Go Both Ways”.