Proto Porn

kh-info-block: Well, damn, when you put it that way… - Mod A.

kh-info-block: Well, damn, when you put it that way… - Mod A.

kh-info-block:  Well, damn, when you put it that way… - Mod A.

Evilkitten3: Toastedsmoreo: Rightsmarts: How Cnn Manipulates Its Audience/Narrative By Cropping Images. Bitch The Government Is Literally Putting Kids In Cages Nobody Gives Two Dicks If These Prisons Put Ferdinand On In The Background To Disguise The

Evilkitten3: Toastedsmoreo:  Rightsmarts:  How Cnn Manipulates Its Audience/Narrative

Legally-Bitchtastic: Legally-Bitchtastic: Thexfiles: I Love Her Remember, Debbie Reynolds Was So Much More Than Just Carrie’s Mom. She Was A Beautiful, Amazing, Wickedly Funny Woman In Her Own Right. She Loved Her Daughter And She Made Her Daughter

Legally-Bitchtastic:  Legally-Bitchtastic:   Thexfiles: I Love Her  Remember, Debbie

&Quot;If You Could Have Any Videogame Ability What Would It Be?&Quot;

&Quot;If You Could Have Any Videogame Ability What Would It Be?&Quot;

Unclefather: Just Had A Child Say “Circumcise Me, Captain!” And His Mom Smacked Him In The Back Of The Head And Said “I’m So Sorry I Don’t Know Where He Heard That I Don’t Even Know If He Knows What That Means” And I’m Thinking About

Unclefather:  Just Had A Child Say “Circumcise Me, Captain!” And His Mom Smacked

If You’re Having A Bad Day, Remember That In 16Th Century Baltic Germans Dressed Like This:

If You’re Having A Bad Day, Remember That In 16Th Century Baltic Germans Dressed

Benvenuti A Tutti!

Benvenuti A Tutti!

Greenfairy87: Rudjedet: This Is So Funny Because There’s A Phrase In Middle Egyptian Commonly Translated As “Forever And Ever” Or “Forever And For All Eternity”. The Mummy Is The Best Thanks For Your Attention Reblogging For That Rare Case

Greenfairy87: Rudjedet: This Is So Funny Because There’s A Phrase In Middle Egyptian

I Feel As Though Maybe There Are Some People Who Still Don’t Get It&Amp;Hellip;

I Feel As Though Maybe There Are Some People Who Still Don’t Get It&Amp;Hellip;

Jaxblade: Pearl-Likes-Pi: Why Are You Runnig I Didn’t Expect That Voice And I Almost Asphyxiated Myself On My Drink Ahhahahhahahah 

Jaxblade: Pearl-Likes-Pi: Why Are You Runnig I Didn’t Expect That Voice And I Almost

Afniel: Moneyes: Tiredngay: 20Gayteen Is Almost Over. Then We’ll Have 20Biteen. But What Will We Do For 2020 We Vote. We Vote.

Afniel: Moneyes:  Tiredngay: 20Gayteen Is Almost Over. Then We’ll Have 20Biteen.



Why Oh My Godi Literally Justwant My Pronouns Respected And Used By Those I’ve Toldlikefuckyou Think It Wouldn’t Be This Hardbut No Apparently I Literally Don’t Exist In My Identity To Everyone Around Melikefuckthere’s A Person Who Respects And

Why Oh My Godi Literally Justwant My Pronouns Respected And Used By Those I’ve

futanari futanari_Comics