Proto Porn
Drip Dry Eyes
Drip Dry Eyes
The Relatable Images
Insert-Coin-Here: Jellybeansandmarshmallows: This Completely. Best One.
The-Absolute-Funniest-Posts: I Recommend Following This Blog, You Won’t Regret It!
When You're In Class After Watching A Movie And The Teacher Turns The Lights On...
The-Absolute-Funniest-Posts: I Recommend Following This Blog, You Won’t Regret It!
The-Absolute-Funniest-Posts: I Recommend Following This Blog, You Won’t Regret It!
I’ve Given Up On You
I’ve Given Up On You
Diabolicaldickface: C:
“My Daughter Was Asked By A Little Old Lady In A London Hotel Restaurant What Her Daddy Did. She Answered, “He’s A Pirate” - I Was Very Proud Of That Answer.” - Johnny Depp