Proto Porn
When someone steals your joke and tells it to someone else in front of you.
When someone steals your joke and tells it to someone else in front of you.
I'm Gonna Show You Who I Am.
Im The Happiest Ive Been In A Long Time
Chocolateoatmilk: Biteme-Psych0: Does He Lay Awake Listening To Your Breath?, Worried You Smoke Too Many Cigarettes. Best Song. Oh. I Can’t Help But Think About Them Though And My Heart Hurts.
Peace Will Win &Amp; Fear Will Løse
Breathecarosheepcat: Wait Huuh
Queen Of Hell
Pregnat4: U Better Watch Out Im About To Makeout With U
Lelogan: All I Want Is Fanfiction Movies
Sexcepti0N: The Maine
Justathought2011: Nothing, Like The First Time! Just A Thought
D1Stract1Ons: (Via Imgtumble)