Proto Porn
comicsncoolshit: a bubble freezing at -10º F degrees
comicsncoolshit: a bubble freezing at -10º F degrees
Alpacalypse: Alpacalypse: Trying To Force A Poop Out Before Going Out Somewhere Managing To Poop Just In Time
Dakotamcfadzean: The Secret Dies With Me.
Artificial Intelligence
We-Cannot-Have-Nice-Things: Moosenn: 4Gifs: The Atlas Moth Does Not Have A Mouth And Only Lives A Couple Of Weeks Eww No Eww No Eww No How Can You Say Ew Look At These Mothy Fuckers Look At Them They’re Fluffy Birdies
Weedporndaily: Jay And Silent Bob
Hi It Me
Sandandglass: Sums Up Both The American Justice System And The American Media’s Priorities.
Saltfree: Whimsy-Cat: Handmade Crowns By Elemental Child. #Hael#Spn#Interpretations (Via Siterlas)
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