Proto Porn

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to the station. Dylann Roof murdered nine people and was given Burger King on his way to the station.

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to the station. Dylann Roof murdered nine people and was given Burger King on his way to the station.

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Freddie Gray was killed, had his spine broken, by Baltimore Police on his ride to

Where Is My Mind?

Where Is My Mind?

I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry

Humoristics: Evolution Of The Bikini[Video]

Humoristics:  Evolution Of The Bikini[Video]



Fruitcrocs: Llttlemermaid: Elicrotch: Thebluezebra: Eggaroo: Oh My God I Think Im Crying I Think The Biggest Crime Is That This Cost 2000 Dollars They Wrapped A 99 Cent Hot Topic Rainbow Belt Around A $2 Fedora And Super Flued Some Dollar Store

Fruitcrocs:  Llttlemermaid:  Elicrotch:  Thebluezebra:  Eggaroo:  Oh My God  I Think

Grandegarlic:bogleech:werewarg:onlylolgifs:polymer Balls That Are Invisible In Water Imagine Putting Like 10 In Someone’s Bath And They Get In They Just Start Freaking Out Because ‘Theres Something Touching Me But Theres Nothing In The Fucking Water

Grandegarlic:bogleech:werewarg:onlylolgifs:polymer Balls That Are Invisible In Water

Karkat-Vantas-Is-A-Romcom-Fanboy: Baby-Alcoholic: Skellydun: I Hate Retail. God I Love This Person Every Time I See Them On My Dash I’m Ready For Some Shade

Karkat-Vantas-Is-A-Romcom-Fanboy:  Baby-Alcoholic:  Skellydun:  I Hate Retail.  God

Words And Coffee

Words And Coffee

Gifsboom:static Balloon Cat. [Video]

Gifsboom:static Balloon Cat. [Video]

Whitegirlsaintshit: Marimopet: Angfdz: 2Wentybelow:fear The Girl Who Always Has The Taste Of Coffee On Her Lips And Dresses Well On Mondays What On Earth Lmao This Sounds Like You Scared Of Bitches With 9-5 Jobs

Whitegirlsaintshit:  Marimopet:  Angfdz:  2Wentybelow:fear The Girl Who Always Has



Unweighted-Thoughts: Newmiu: Ok But Couture

Unweighted-Thoughts:  Newmiu:  Ok But  Couture

Jenya_D JerkOffToCelebs