Proto Porn
Goddess and Witch.
Goddess and Witch.
Goddess And Witch.
Just-Shower-Thoughts: One Kind Of Six-Pack Comes At The Expense Of The Other Kind Of Six-Pack.
Goddess And Witch.
Blueastrid: Model: Blue Astridphoto: Wikingartdress: Punkraveig: Bluexastrid / Fanpage: Blue Astrid
Dogsanddiscourse: Dogsanddiscourse: Not To Sound Like Some Pretentious 59 Year Old But… Why Does Everything Neef A Digital Screen… What’s Wrong With Regular Buttons?? @Yourboyfriiend Fridges. Coffee Makers. Fucking Light Switches Being Connected
Welcome To Hell
Geekremix: This Is The Most Frustrating Thing In The World. All I Wanted To Know Is Why “Lesbian” Is A Flag Word To Lose Advertising. Edit: Please Reblog This. Please Get The Media To Pay Attention To This.
Ugly: How Are People Turned Off By Tattoos They Are So Fucking Hot
Cherie-Cutie:i Couldn’t Decide If I Wanted To Dress Cute Or Slutty So I Just Did Both😂🌸