Proto Porn
Nobody HAS to do anything, or be anyone. Doesn't anyone get that??
Nobody HAS to do anything, or be anyone. Doesn't anyone get that??
Acc: Ali Michael Via: Noel-Michele (Via Nostalgicdreams)
Windsweptribbons: Pinpricks,From Emily Loizeau’s “L’autre Bout Du Monde” Music Video
(Via Misswallflower)
Are You Trying To Break Me, Or My Heart?
(Via Misswallflower)
(Via Knockturn)
Sunshine-Pie: Ladylake: (Via Misswallflower) This Is One Of My Favourite Films. Godard Love.
I Finally Got My Lula!!
Longlongtimeago: Isabelandme: Fairphantom: (Via Cypselae)
Longlongtimeago: Tulletulle: Vladimirnabokov: Ny, Ny 1956
Knockturn: Nostalgicdreams: #26. Hannah Murray