Proto Porn
a blog with a view
a blog with a view
Vvorshipyou:&Amp;Ldquo;You Mean She Would Rather Imagine Herself Relating To An Absent Person Than Build Relationships With Those Around Her?&Amp;Rdquo; Le Fabuleux Destin D’amélie Poulain (2001)Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Northmagneticpole: Paloma Wool
Razorshapes: Joel Tettamanti - Greenland
Feedingtheselies:sry Can’t Go Out Tonight Morrissey Said No
Darjeelingandcoke:an Ancient Greek Walks Into His Tailor’s Shop With A Pair Of Torn Pants. &Amp;Ldquo;Euripides?&Amp;Rdquo; Says The Tailor.&Amp;Ldquo;Yeah, Eumenides?&Amp;Rdquo; Replies The Man.
Kiraevelyn:future Tattoo?
Arn4V: Black Family Tapestry [X]
Lost-In-Centuries-Long-Gone: 1860’S Christian Hacker Dollhouse By Dolls4Marybeth On Flickr.
Alongtimealone: Giovanni Giacometti
Thesoutherly: Faroe Islands By Jóannis Sørensen