Proto Porn
Kanrose: Iammakingperfectsense: Insidemymmind: Okay, So In Science Class Yesterday We Were Talking About Sleep Cycles And Melatonin And My Science Teacher Said, “If You’re Trying To Sleep, Avoid One Colour. Blue. Your Melatonin Levels Decrease
Why Do We Fall?So We Can Learn To Pick Ourselvesup
Roachpatrol: Fat-Birds: Generichenle: フクロウのクウちゃん、水浴びから乾燥まで / Screech Owl Having A Bath And Then Being Dried. Oh My Lord I’m Screeching Aaaaaaah Look At That Serious Face
Fulloflightning: How To Charm Your Girlfriend’s Dad: Lesson One
Givemeinternet: O.o
Pokemonmasterkimba: Thetenthdoctorscompanion: Kayligrace: I Won’t Rest Until I Own This.. But Will You Travel Across The Land, Searching Far And Wide? Yes
Negritaaa: Tsa: Are U Carrying Any Firearms Or Explosives? Me: *Points To Crotch* U Mean This Bomb Pussy? Tsa: Why Do U Always Do This?
Homosaxual: Funimationentertainment: What If Doorbells Went Dong Ding Instead Of Ding Dong Don’t Say Something Like That
Spenceralthouse: This Is My Favorite Response To Bieber’s Arrest.
Easahina: Thats It. I Dont Have To Make Another Joke On This Shitty Website Ever Again.