Proto Porn
Embracethedarkside: Iridessence: Moon-Cunt: All The Awards Truly A Masterpiece Of Our Time Omg I’m Done
Fuckyeah1990S: A Fine 1997 Cabernet Vintage Rich Powerful Peach And Lychees, With Sweet Nutty Oak.
Viiroots: 鬼
Megidolaoncute: Beautiful
Nazerine: Acepitchermihashi: Is That Benedict Cumberbatch How Dare You Insult Sportacus
Chips Lmao
Moriarty: N O How Dare You
The-Social-Recluse: There Is A Difference Between Finding Someone Aesthetically Pleasing Being Sexually Attracted To Someone Being Romantically Attracted To Someone #And Its Ok If You Can’t Figure Out What The Fuck You’re Actually Feeling
Thespacegoat: Bryceckrispies: Thespacegoat: What Is Snoop Dogg Even Doing With His Life Uhm Excuse U Bitch, U Mean Snoop Lion No He Went Back To Snoop Dogg After Realizing He Hated Being Rastafarian Because His Hat Was Itchy
Sleepvevo: Waiting For Ur Pizza Like
Unculture: The Rock Is Fucking Precious