Proto Porn
sisterwolf: David Bowie
sisterwolf: David Bowie
Philip Glass - Sesame Street - Geometry Of Circles
Firsttimeuser: Alexander Sliussarev
Youarecordiallyinvitedtopissoff: Sergey Loie
Visual-Poetry: »Bye« By Anatol Knotek Animated Version, From My »Anachronism« Book (Unique, Handmade Chapbook, 16 Poems, Din A6, With Sewn Bindings;) [If You Like To Buy The Book, Please Contact Me On Tumblr Or Via Email: Anatol(At)Anatol(Dot)Cc]
Brandt Brauer Frick - Bop
Myimaginarybrooklyn: Voltaire, Cadide, Or The Optimist. “You’re A Bitter Man,” Said Candide. “That’s Because I’ve Lived,” Said Martin.”
Explore-Blog: Preliminary Drawing (Top) For 1950 Comic Strip Adaptation (Bottom) Of Orwell’s Animal Farm, Used By Various Embassies As Anti-Communist Propaganda. Pair With The Art Of War Adapted As A Comic And The Graphic Canon, The Fantastic Anthology
Fripp &Amp;Amp; Eno - The Heavenly Music Corporation
Museumuesum: Chris Engman The Meeting, 2004Archival Inkjet Print 76 X 91 Cm The Library, 2004Archival Inkjet Print 69 X 97 Cm The Consummation, 2005Archival Inkjet Print 76 X 88 Cm Disappearance, 2004Archival Inkjet Print 50 X 40 Cm The Audience,