Proto Porn
mkpinenut: pixiv
mkpinenut: pixiv
Shiralipkin: Somethingclassysomethingvulgar: If You Live With A Cat, You Have Had This Conversation. Truth.
Dy-Amethyst-Deactivated20151225: How On Earth Could You Fall In Love With Someone So Hardcore?
Randomyaoistuff: Humanitys-Sexiest: If You Could Only Choose One, Which One Would You Prefer? ≖‿≖ Damn It, Rivaille!!
Kimonoworld: 玉城ティナ Isetan Yukata Selection 2013 By G2Slp On Flickr.
Ask-Jean: Featuring Ask-Aarlelt Wow How Do You Even Read That So Casually Like.. With Your Pants On
Mehpooptart: Katudaisoku: Xxdramatizationxx: I Saw This Pic Of Dean And All I Could Think Of Was Jean What Is It, Satan? Im Going To Burn This Meme To The Ground
Titanbender: Listen To Mr Handsome Eyebrows Levi Okay Im Done Now Bye
Yoshiiwara-Deactivated20180812: Favourite Manga/ Manhwa List⤷ Olimpos
Surfacage: A Dream A Dream Of You, In A World Without You. (Either A) Canon Where Eren Is Dead Or B) Au Where Levi Reincarnates As A Painter Who Tries And Tries And Tries To Find Eren But He Can’t And He’s So Tired And Maybe
Ladygt: Eyzef: Totally Fangirling Жанжанжан ( ; \゜□゜\)