Proto Porn
banafria: Nagisa from Assclassss!!! please read it it is amazing and hilarious
banafria: Nagisa from Assclassss!!! please read it it is amazing and hilarious
That's Rough, Buddy.
Graphiteknight: Hobbitts: Art I Made A Sequel.
Easternbunny: I’m Having A Serious Kitagawa Daiichi Trio Crisis Rn Don’t Touch Me
Nobu-Trash: A Golden Scene. I Totally Love How Ky* Ushiwaka Is, And How Precisely That Pisses Off Both Oikawa And Iwaizumi. And Poor Hinata Stuck In The Middle. Toilet Trips Sure Are Adventurous, Eh? Anywho, I Was Going To Colour/Semi-Animate The Rest
Runrabbitjunk: Haikyuu Ep 11 Was Rad Because Training Camp And Also Because This Happened
Yaoi-Manga-Reader-All-The-Way: Just The Simplicity Of This Manga Makes It Look So Good…*Drools* Here
Fuckyeahpixivranking: 「Happy Birthday!」/「Cotta」
Cantwaitforpizza: I Can’t Stop Laughing He’s Like What No Climb
Gigaprince: What What Are You Talking Abt I Didnt Draw This….
Freckledcrow: 【腐】Hqまとめ② By ゆう矢@ついった ※Permission To Upload Was Given By The Artist. Redistribution To Other Sites And Editing Without Permission Is Not Allowed.
Ouji05: Haikyuu!! V. 10-11