Proto Porn
How can you not love that face?
How can you not love that face?
Senpaixvx: Who Wants To Make Out And Then Nap
Guceubcuesu: Fuck You Brian
Anthonally: What Your Drug Choice Says About You
Our-Timey-Wimey-Love-Story: Who-Locked-Me-Out-Of-Hogwarts: A-Trex: It’s A Guitardis And Its Fucking Transparent Oh My Fucking God You Guys Thank You. Day Is Made
Watsonisgay: The Doctordonna. The Stuff Of Legend.
So Damn Exhausted
Rachelrambunctious: Doctorwho: Jellyfishnets: Stare At The First Photo For 30 Seconds. Stare At Second Photo Immediately After. Urwelcome :D This Is My New Favorite Thing In The World!
I Can’t Exist Within My Own Head
Thisisrxe: Seriously Why Do People So Frown Upon People Doing Drugs In The Street But Yet We Are Allowed To Watch A Morbidly Obese Person Stuff Their Face With 15 Cheeseburgers.